Généalogie de la famille de PRELLE de la NIEPPE

Taverner Beale + Frances Madison

1 child
Taverner Beale
Birth: February 7, 1741 35 15Orange Co., VA.
Death: June 5, 1810Clifton Forge, Comté d\'Alleghany, Virginia, États-Unis

Parents Grandparents

Family group information

Residence: 28 APR 1753 Orange Co., VA. 3 Event: appointed to Committee to determine location of a courthouse Appointment ABT JUN 1749 Orange Co., VA. 4 Note: History of Orange Co., VA. - June 1749. \"The Court judging the present situation inconvenient to the inhabitants are of the opinion that the court ought to be held near the dividing line of the lands of Erasmus Taylor and Timothy Crosthwait, \" appointed Benjamin Cave, Geo. Taylor, Taverner Beale, Wm. Taliaferro, John Willis, Francis Moore and Henry Downs, or any five of them, to meet and agree on the most convenient place for a courthouse and arrange for its construction, with powerto agree on the manner thereof, and with workmen to erect a prison, pillory, and stocks. The original courts were held in the homes of various individuals until 1728 when the first courthouse was built south of the Rapidan River near Governor\'s (later Somervilles\'s) Ford about four miles downstream from the location of the Locust Grove plantation. Source: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=flager&id=I06598
Frances was the aunt of President James Madison. When her husband Jacob was killed in the Indian raid in the area of Greenville, SC., Frances was taken captive along with her daughter Eleanor. Source: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=flager&id=I41602
Last change March 29, 201102:54:39

by: apn