Généalogie de la famille de PRELLE de la NIEPPE

Everard IV de Mortagne + Mahaut d’ Enghien

1 enfant

Parents Grands-parents

Informations sur la famille

Birth source http://racineshistoire.free.fr/LGN/PDF/Enghien.pdf 1) Mahaut ou Ida (Elisabeth) d'Enghien ´ ~1203 + ~1250 ép. 1215 Evrard IV Radulf de Tournai ´ 1195 + 1226 (ou 1250 ?) Burggrave de Tournai, Pair de Flandres, seigneur de Mortagne Death source http://racineshistoire.free.fr/LGN/PDF/Enghien.pdf : vers 1250 http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/HAINAUT.htm#EverardIVRadulfTournaidied1226 = 1218 ou après EVERARD [IV] Radoul (-[8 Jan/Jul] 1226). The late 13th century genealogy by Balduinus de Avennis names "Evrardum Raduel" as the son of "Balduinus de Mortania" and his wife "filiam senescalli Flandriæ...Hediardem". Châtelain de Tournai. Seigneur de Mortagne. "Everardo Radoul domino Mauritanensi castellano Tornacensi" corrected damage done to the church of Tournai by charter dated 1222. m firstly ISABELLE dþEnghien, daughter of ENGELBERT [III] Seigneur dþEnghien & his wife [Ida ---/Adelaide dþAvesnes] (-1218). The late 13th century genealogy by Balduinus de Avennis records that "Evrardum Raduel", son of "Balduinus de Mortania" and his wife, married "filiam domini Engelberti de Enghien ex Adelina filia domini Jacobi de Avennes". m secondly (after 1218) ELISABETH de Courtrai, daughter of ROGER [II] Châtelain de Courtrai & his wife Beatrix van Nevele. The late 13th century genealogy by Balduinus de Avennis records that "Evrardum Raduel", son of "Balduinus de Mortania" and his wife, married secondly "hæredem...terræ de Nevella juxta Gandavum". Everard [IV] & his first wife had one child: a) ARNAUD (-1265 or after) Source: https://gw.geneanet.org/hanro?lang=en&pz=loic+robert+jean+marie&nz=hannaert&p=mahaut+ou+ida+isabelle+elisabeth&n=d+enghien
Dernière modification 20 novembre 202122:42:52

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